Contact Us

Call John Davey: (937) 207-8963


Get a free no obligation quote we need to know 3 things…
The date / times of the event.
The address of the venue.
The size floor you would like.

Thank you for visiting our website. Please fill out the following form to request a free quote or to provide feedback. Please provide date, times, type of event and location. When you are finished, click the 'Submit' button to send us your message. You will see a confirmation below.


Sets up fast. It can be arranged in different sizes and shapes. L and T shapes or a crisscross is possible. We even have the ability to allow for a tent post in the middle of the floor.

Can be used as a stage. Make a lighted runway or display platform. You can drive a truck on it!

You will find complete pricing on our Prices page.

Dance Machine Floors. Don't be fooled, there is no other lighted dance floor like this one in the world!

Ohio Lighted Dance Floors
A distributor for USA Dance Floors and Dance Machine Floors
(937) 207-8963